Developed Data

Data Gathering

The Tax Working Group has the capacity to review the public data for the various Counties. The data is analyzed to determine if a County’s Population is incurring Property Tax growth greater than inflation. Data always must be understood in view of the “Facts about Levies and the Taxing Subdivisions”.

Property Taxes are both Constitutionally and Legislatively created through entities called Taxing Subdivisions. The majority of Citizens do not understand what this is since the education process doesn’t provide the information in schools. The data acquired for the counties is readily available and when critically analyzed for the benefit and understanding of the Property Owner; it becomes useful information to question a ‘Taxing Subdivision’s Levy’ needs.

The Unaffordability Indicator

Through great effort and testing an ‘indicator’ has been developed that considers the ‘Unaffordability’ of Levies in a County.