Major Parties Survey Questions January 10, 2021January 14, 2021 twgadmin ThankĀ you for taking the time to give some thought regarding a new party option.Followup surveys and concept principles are forthcoming. First & Last Name Email 1. Do you believe in government of the people, by people and for the people as intended by the American Founders? Yes No None 2. Do you believe eternal vigilance is the price citzens have to pay to earn and maintain their Freedom? Yes No None 3. In general, do you believe government office holders, elected or appointed, are held accountable today? Yes No None 4. Do you believe either of the major political parties effectively represent you? Yes No None 5. If you answered 'No' to Question 4, do you believe the major parties, Republican and Democrat, are redeemable? Yes No None 6. In your opinion, how should a political party be structured? Top Down Grass Roots (Bottom Up) None 7. Have you been, or are you ready to begin, investing your time, money, and sacred honor for good governance and true representation in local, state and national governance? Yes No None 8. If you answered 'No' to Question 7, why not? Select two.Please select two of the following: a) I do not have enough knowledge or understanding to participate b) There is no vision in the existing party system c) I have no interest - government will take care of itself d) I do not have enough time, or have too many commitments e) My participation will not make a difference f) There is poor leadership in the existing party system g) I do not trust the political parties 9. Are you open to considering an alternative to the major political parties? Yes No Maybe None 10. What talents and interests do you have which would assist in the founding of a new party? (Check all which apply) a) Group leadership b) Administrative skills c) Writing (Flyers, position statements, email correspondence, etc.) d) Researcher e) IT (web site, blogging, audio/video) f) Organizational development g) Marketing h) Fundraising Time's up